Some children may have trouble swallowing. This condition is commonly called dysphagia where food, may it be liquid or solid, cannot pass easily through a child’s mouth and throat. The symptoms include choking during eating or drinking, spitting the food, and often contracting respiratory infections, among others. If not treated, this can lead to other serious problems, such as pneumonia and poor nutrition. Thus, seeking immediately seeking professional help is important. Among the treatment for dysphagia include feeding therapy, changing a child’s positioning while eating, or changing a child’s diet fitted for their condition. In serious cases, a tube may be inserted through their nose or stomach to facilitate their feeding.
Quincy Healthcare, Inc. is a pediatric home health care in Richmond, Texas whose goal is to provide quality treatment plans, together with our trained and qualified professionals, that assist and supports a child requiring care in the comforts of your home.
We also aim to provide pediatric care and services to handicapped children in Texas who require special needs and attention. Among our therapies include improving a child’s speech, addressing problems with swallowing, and widening their range of motion.
For further inquiries about home healthcare services for your little one, you may visit our website at, or give us a call at 832-425-9567.
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